Jose Carlos Neves
Is board Certified and a diplomate in Facial Plastic Surgery (IFFPSS)
He founded the project Myface – Clínica da Face in the year 2008.

From children to adults; from development to anti-aging; from function to aesthetics; from medicine to surgery.
The creation of specialties in medicine has been a pillar in advancing the quality of medical treatments. At myface, ensuring a dialogue exists between specialities is fundamental to optimizing complementary knowledge.
We believe this project to be unique, based on a multidisciplinary approach, supported by a team of the best professionals from each specialty that takes exceptional care of your face.
Real life stories / histórias da vida real
like your face /
como a sua face”
like your face /
como a sua face”
Videos / vídeos
refining your natural beauty
is our ultimate goal /
“refinar a sua beleza natural
é o nosso objetivo”
refining your
natural beauty
is our
ultimate goal /
“refinar a sua
“beleza natural
é o nosso objetivo”
Scientific Activity / actividade científica
Structured Rhinoplasty2018-04-24T14:37:44+00:00
Intercontinental Rhinoplasty Course2018-04-24T10:56:43+00:00